Another Youtube Celebrity?

It is very interesting to know that Japanese love to make homemade dancing videos. And recently, a 14-year-old British girl who lives in Japan, becomes so popular on the interent after posting videos of herself dancing to anime and Jpop songs on youtube. Her name is Beckii Cruel.

''Beckii Cruel's popularity is certainly a Japanese phenomenon. However, the word of mouth has spread also among those foreigners who are passionate fans of Akihabara and the otaku culture in general.'' commnted by Global Voices.

YouTube's popularity has led to the creation of many YouTube Internet celebrities, popular individuals who have attracted much publicity in their home countries (and sometimes world renown) due to their videos. Also, internet fame has led to unexpected results and, in some cases, crossovers into traditional media or entertainment avenues.

Beckii Cruel now even has an upcoming DVD called This is Beckii Cruel.

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What is citizen journalism?

In general, citizen journalism is when memebers of the public do essentially what professional reporters do – collect, report, analyse news and information which can be taken into many forms, for example, a podcast editorial or a report about a city council meeting on a blog. It can also contain text, pictures, audio and video while basically it is all about communicating information in some ways. According to the seminal 2003 report We Media: How Audiences are Shaping the Future of News and Information, "The intent of this participation is to provide independent, reliable, accurate, wide-ranging and relevant information that a democracy requires."

A main feature of citizen journalism is that it’s usually found online. It is believed that citizen journalism is made possible since the hugh development of Internet such as blogs podcasts, videos heappened in the recent decade.

On the other hand, there are a lot of critisisms about citizen journalism as well. Many traditional journalists view citizen journalism with some skepticism, believing that only trained journalists can understand the exactitude and ethics involved in reporting news. Also, an article in 2005 (Grassroots journalism: Actual content vs. shining ideal) by Tom Grubisich reviewed ten new citizen journalism sites and found many of them lacking in quality and content.

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